Aha. You're currently renting the Zyxel/have bought it and want to return it? I misunderstood.
In that case your suggestion of buying a router-switch-AP (these are the many jobs that one Zyxel box was doing) is fine. Pick your budget and spend as much as possible or buy a cheap router-switch and buy a separate AP, either option works. You need to adjust the DHCP settings (to set your server a reserved IP address) and port forwarding settings in the router to forward the right ports (80 and 22 for HTTP and ssh respectively) to your reserved IP. Best to set up a dynamic DNS (DDNS) service to keep track of your external IP as it might change. I use no-ip and it works fine.
Yeah, I'm buying it on monthly installments on my internet bills. It's not much, but it's so shit I feel like I'm being ripped off so I'll send it back. They don't seem to just throw routers at you here (Finland), like the do in the UK. Also, had I known internet would have been fed into the flat via a working ethernet port, I would have brought my old EE one from the UK as it would have done the job fine. Bit annoyed about that.
I want to send this POS router back and buy one that does both tasks, rather than buying two things. This is probably related to my comment to snotty about being cheap.
When I say open to the world, I mean have specific ports open to the world to do the things I want to be able to do (web and ssh traffic forwarded to a specific computer).