The North Face: I bought a suitcase from them - one that fit's in an overhead locker on a plane.
It was at max 3 months outside their 2 year warranty, which I admitted up front and asked if I could pay to have the handle mechanism (telescopic) repaired. The only thing wrong with the case was that the handle locked in place and could not be telescoped for an indeterminate period, until suddenly it could again.
Their response was that I was welcome to buy a new one.
Fuck you, North Face - I shall never buy anything from you again, and will cheerfully share my opinion of you at the slightest opportunity.
The North Face: I bought a suitcase from them - one that fit's in an overhead locker on a plane.
It was at max 3 months outside their 2 year warranty, which I admitted up front and asked if I could pay to have the handle mechanism (telescopic) repaired. The only thing wrong with the case was that the handle locked in place and could not be telescoped for an indeterminate period, until suddenly it could again.
Their response was that I was welcome to buy a new one.
Fuck you, North Face - I shall never buy anything from you again, and will cheerfully share my opinion of you at the slightest opportunity.