It's a long time since I studied the topic so forgive any rustiness and for a long post....
Anti-Semitism normally splits between pre-C19th traditional (Jesus-killers, blood libel, etc.) and modern (racial). Jews as financiers straddles both.
In medieval times Jews were permitted to lend at a times when others couldn't. No one ever likes money lender. Some of those who borrowed often participated in a bit of rabble rousing.
Study is central to Jewish culture. As financial markets developed in Europe Jews were often disproportionately represented (as in academia and law). These were very often shady as fuck. As today many sections of society objected to the idea of people "not working" and generating wealth from wealth.
The fact that Jews are a diaspora means that they are necessarily "international".
Add a bit of economic instability and political scapegoating, and Jews are suddenly the hidden hand pulling the world's economic strings for their own benefit.
Something I've picked up from commentary on Breitbart is that they use "Globalist" to refer to Jews, but it never mentions why - is this part of the global financial conspiracy thing that Hugo7 references? Forgive me if this is well known.