• #14652
Best price on 35mm Portra 400?
Better than 5 for £35? https://www.photospecialist.co.uk/kodak-portra-400-135-36-5-pack?channable=e13528.S08zNzkyMDU4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpMLOBRC9ARIsAPiGeZC6Xp1PZx9efn_saXtoO8TlfNmcAHnewFjnYZxIg5PaWGTJBas8zxQaAiorEALw_wcB -
• #14653
Aye plus postage which is nearly £9 quid. So not that cheap
• #14654
Yeah true :(
• #14655
It was on amazon for £40 but the price had risen.
• #14656
Not in stock at the moment. Never used them, but they seem to have good reviews.
• #14657
• #14659
I was thinking of trying out some Cinestill 800t and Portra 800 - anyone have any experience with either?
• #14660
Thank you! For some reason I was logged in as someone else when I posted em! I think having multiple google accounts has confused LFGSS!
• #14661
Didn't test it for fear of impulse purchase...but this seemed pretty bargainous.
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• #14662
Super bargainous if ebay is a litmus test: https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/Mamiya-C220-Medium-Format-TLR-Film-Camera-with-80-mm-lens-Kit/103001719
• #14663
Bought 5 for £45 in Aperture. I love their attitude so didn't mind paying a bit more
• #14664
I was thinking of trying out some Cinestill 800t and Portra 800 - anyone have any experience with either?
I shot some Portra 800. Shoot it for the look (muted, a bit soft). It's obviously aimed at indoor, natural light portraiture. I'm not really sure it's much faster than Portra 400 or better than Superia 800 and it costs the earth.
• #14665
Can get it for £8, which is cheaper than Fuji pro400 and the same price as Portra 400.
• #14666
I just bought one with just one lens for £150 so pretty good deal if working... if it doesnt work ill buy some of the lenses :P
if it does work.. they are Brilliant to use!
• #14667
£8 .... same price as Portra 400
I refuse to pay a fiver a roll. Kodak can get fucked. Beg, borrow, bulk buy, freezer raids, Craigslist/gumtree hustles ftw.
• #14668
I hate paying contemporary prices for film. It is a major factor that leaves the Mamiya C220 in the shop and not in my possession.
Talking of possession. If anyone wants a working 1/4 Plate camera complete with plate holders and sheet film adapters, I am back to England on the 13th. Maybe even able to swing to london on Sunday 15th. Must check but I believe it has a fast f4.5 Ross Xpres lens (which is awesome) around 135mm I think. Also got a 9x12 Ernemann Klapp also working and some holders for that too i think.
Would need to agree price, but willing to negotiate better than a Portobello bullshitter.
• #14669
• #14670
First outing with my Yashika T5 in Lisbon. Lomo purple film [400]
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• #14671
2xRedDress works great. Pretty and surreal.
• #14672
great, will do that tomorrow too
• #14673
Last one: New album, out Monday.
• #14674
Expired disposable
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• #14675
Watching the watchers. North Yorkshire Moors. Mixture of OM-2n and Rolleicord VB.
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Some more practice at split grade printing last night, pretty happy with this one!
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