A lovely fresh October morning up through Archway, until I got to the top of Highgate hill, when it suddenly got dark. "Aha" I thought, "It's darker on this side of the hill because I'm heading Northwest, and the low winter sun has not yet fully risen over the treetops." Of course, that was complete bollocks, the reason it was dark was a torrential cloudburst that almost knocked me out the saddle and left me looking like I had been hit with a fire hose.
A lovely fresh October morning up through Archway, until I got to the top of Highgate hill, when it suddenly got dark. "Aha" I thought, "It's darker on this side of the hill because I'm heading Northwest, and the low winter sun has not yet fully risen over the treetops." Of course, that was complete bollocks, the reason it was dark was a torrential cloudburst that almost knocked me out the saddle and left me looking like I had been hit with a fire hose.