I need to build a couple of retaining walls, both a max of about a metre deep, one is 10 metres long, one closer to 30.
Looking into options, I am rubbish at blockwork so that is ruled out, Sleepers are possible, but I suspect would work out to be much £££ and if I use proper reclaimed ones will leach creosote through the summer. Last option I have thought of is to use Gabion baskets, I have about 200 tonnes of flint in a pile in the back garden, so filling them won't be an issue, and they work out a lot cheaper than sleepers and in theory should last longer.
Has anyone else got any bright (cheap!) ideas that don't involve paying someone more skillful than me?
Cross post from Gardening thread...
I need to build a couple of retaining walls, both a max of about a metre deep, one is 10 metres long, one closer to 30.
Looking into options, I am rubbish at blockwork so that is ruled out, Sleepers are possible, but I suspect would work out to be much £££ and if I use proper reclaimed ones will leach creosote through the summer. Last option I have thought of is to use Gabion baskets, I have about 200 tonnes of flint in a pile in the back garden, so filling them won't be an issue, and they work out a lot cheaper than sleepers and in theory should last longer.
Has anyone else got any bright (cheap!) ideas that don't involve paying someone more skillful than me?