That's interesting.
Took the Sequoia out for a test ride today courtesy of Sigma, and although it was pretty dull and lifeless on the road, once I took it along the muddy path along the river, it was a lot of fun. This has blurred my options somewhat. I was convinced I wasn't going to find the Sequoia much fun as it's quite a heavy bike, but I was smiling like an idiot as I tried not to ride into the river. I do think something like the Orro or Diverge might be more nimble off road and a little more fun on road. But who knows. So far, I've just ridden the Sequoia so it's the leader so far.
I had a Croix de Fer before this, it was 12kg, which for me is too fucking heavy. I don't really agree with the 'you'll stop noticing the weight' thing. You won't up hills or in the nimbleness (for want of a better word) of the bike. But I don't like heavy bikes.
I did 40 miles on the Orro on Sunday that was nearly all off road but had a stretch of Essex B roads about half way to join up two off road parts. Despite having knobbly tyres on the Orro still felt fast, I literally looked down and realised I was easily doing 25+ mph. CdF was not like that and that's what I wanted, something that would be good off road but also fast on it.
Will let you know when I've ridden it more. Right now I am wondering why Orro used a 150mm rear axle, which means I need to get the rear on my second set of wheels rebuilt with a new hub because you can't convert a narrower Hope Pro 4 to 150mm, you have to buy a new hub. Bit annoying.
Fortunately LBS might be able to sort me out with a cheaper than normal hub through a trade contact. Don't get why they didn't use 142mm though as that's the emerging standard.