The battery keeps going dead on the E39, I can't put it on a charger because I live in a flat, has anyone got a decent battery tester I can borrow to test my battery?
I've jumped it off the MX5 about 5 times now and it's get real old, real quick, I've read online that the more you jump start a battery, the unhealthier it gets, so I'm slowly killing it.
There's lots of stuff online about a few different E39 common faults that cause a battery drain but my car doesn't seem to exhibit any of those symptoms, and they seem to cause an overnight drain rather than a 4-7 day drain. So I'm thinking it's just a tired battery, any thoughts?
Also, ECP want £200 for a battery!! Anyone got any experience with Advanced Battery Supplies?
I had a E39 M5 many years ago and had this issue. I replaced the final stage resistor 'hedgehog' that controls the fans and fixed the issue. Same as you, battery used to drain in hours, 30mins to fix myself.
The battery keeps going dead on the E39, I can't put it on a charger because I live in a flat, has anyone got a decent battery tester I can borrow to test my battery?
I've jumped it off the MX5 about 5 times now and it's get real old, real quick, I've read online that the more you jump start a battery, the unhealthier it gets, so I'm slowly killing it.
There's lots of stuff online about a few different E39 common faults that cause a battery drain but my car doesn't seem to exhibit any of those symptoms, and they seem to cause an overnight drain rather than a 4-7 day drain. So I'm thinking it's just a tired battery, any thoughts?
Also, ECP want £200 for a battery!! Anyone got any experience with Advanced Battery Supplies?