• #49003
It does make you wonder how many are already in the Thames.
• #49004
By Limehouse Lock -
• #49005
Women are now allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia!
What an enlightened, modern society it must be. Maybe we can end all of the sanctions and diplomatic freeze now they look like they're entering the 20th century.
Wait, what?
• #49006
Just watching The Handmaid's Tale. It's fucking brutal, especially when you think that some of it is reality in certain parts of the world.
• #49007
Some serious fireworks: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-41411977/ukraine-military-arms-dump-explodes
• #49008
No Woman No Drive
• #49009
Suck it up Uromysophobes,
they've finally discovered the coconut-eating rat;
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/27/giant-solomon-islands-rat-believed-to-eat-coconuts-discovered -
• #49010
It's actually all about the rat-eating coconuts:
Lavery said he had not found evidence of the rat-eating coconuts
The Grauniad in fine fettle.
• #49011
I wonder if bored sub-editors do it on purpose,
to see the biggest howler they can get 'in print'? -
• #49012
Nah, they'll try and get punny stuff in at any fucking opportunity but mistakes are a big no-no... You tend to get fired if it happens too often...
• #49013
If the Grauniad fired every sub-editor who made a mistake they wouldn't have any left ;)
• #49014
Some editors I've worked with have been very draconian about it, to be honest it shouldn't happen if three sets of eyes are proof reading a story... Still happens tho', obvs... I always enjoyed spotting them when I art checked a layout before sending it to press, so, so satisfying...
• #49015
Spotting editorial mistakes at pre-press check stage is ~one of my biggest pleasures in life~ a solemn duty and one no designer should take pleasure from
EDIT: strikethrough text fail. where's an editor when you need one?!
• #49016
Tits like coconuts.
• #49017
There was one particular prick of a production editor that I loved pointing them out to, but only when the editor was within earshot, obvs... Oh how we would laugh on the art desk...
• #49018
If they ever make it out of the water we are finished as a species.
• #49019
They're super intelligent. It's probably only their relatively short lifespan that's preventing them enslaving the human race.
• #49020
The octopus is the one animal I eat that makes me want to stop eating animals altogether... Wonderful (and very tasty) creatures, I hate myself...
• #49021
I imagine you eat octopus like this:
• #49022
Oh, Pinchy!!!
Love that episode...
• #49023
Brompton Recall
Brompton is recalling all bikes made from April 2014 to May 2017 - Bike Radar
https://apple.news/Aqg4omsTURPOCXapNinFvUw -
• #49024
Jamaica road getting cycle super highway treatment.
I see a lot of idiots driving round rotherhithe roundabout but i would not of thought of it as one of the most dangerous roundabouts in london. It's usually gridlocked at rushour. Maybe a lot of cars shunt each other driving like idiots.
Would be nice if taxis were banned from the bus lane.
• #49025
thought of it as one of the most dangerous roundabouts in london.
No me neither - except that bit where traffic comes flying out from the Rotherhithe tunnel from the left.
Sounds to me as if there's a place where Emerson density is very intense.
Still, this sort of stuff is dangerous, however absurd it is.