Yus. Last man standing for green this year.
I feel privileged to watch Sagan race, truly one of the most remarkable riders of all time. Winning one World Champs makes you a legend, three in a row? One day races are always a bit of a lottery, winning three in a row on different parcours is something transcendental, an individual shouldn't be that lucky or so good. They said he had three days off the bike too through sickness? I mean he didn't animate the race, no meaningful attacks and so basically wheelsucked and then won the sprint. But with the climbs it was clearly the best thing to do. And he wins this AGAIN without a strong team to support him.
I mean this very deeply: it is a rare privilege to watch him race. He dedicated the win to Scarponi and his wife. He has a great heart too, an unbelievable talent ( not saying he dopes yo) , and we used to mock him for coming second.
Not any more.
He's Aussie I'm a kiwi this is how life is. Plus he stumbled into the green Jersey and was reminded of that today.