what if it's on behalf of people you have met? or do you only know white males?
Oddly, less than week ago one of the black females of my acquaintance was wondering aloud what all the fuss was about gollywogs. I wouldn't presume that she spoke for her whole sex or race, whatever either of those things even means, and I wouldn't presume to take offence on behalf of anybody else however well I knew them.
Whatever you make fun of, some dick will be along soon enough trying to make himself look better than you by complaining about it, usually on behalf of somebody he hasn't even met, much less consulted on the matter. If you speak with love in your heart, it's safe to ignore them. If their frequently misguided and generally self serving posturing makes you feel guilty, you probably should have felt guilty without their "help", and a little more reflection before speaking wouldn't have gone amiss.