• #2
I don't know if you got it done or not, but i wouldn't advise Armourtex, they do an ok job, but they will happily paint in your threads etc and the bike will likely need some work afterwards. There arent many options atm. Either you go to mario vaz, who does really nice paintwork, but its not as durable. Or you send it to Argos cycles, who do an excellent job but can take a long time to do it
• #3
Armourtex was the place to go. But since change of ownership they are not keen on retail one offs and would rather do industrial work. But it's worth a try if relay your concerns, as above.
The only other place I can thing of in purpose powder coating in Peckham they do Freddie grubb frames so atleast they must be experienced. Not sure of standard tho. -
• #4
There are quite a few powder coaters about might be worth calling around
Hi Everyone!
Can anyone recommend a good company to powder coat my bike frame.
After spending a long time searching, the main contender seems to be Armourtex - the only thing with these guys is that they're miles away.
Any decent powder coaters in West or Central London?