• #74952
Donald? boris?
• #74953
Yeah, even as I wrote it I realised I was making it less clever. That and @DethBeard 's Mass-tif were a sign that I should leave this shit alone.
• #74954
Upside-down bats (a.k.a. gangsters)
• #74955
Twiggers with attitude
• #74956
dt ass -
• #74957
1 Attachment
• #74958
casual racism can fuck right off
• #74959
Agreed. Shit banter.
• #74960
I'm never totally sure about making fun of foreign accents. Is it also not ok to make fun of ze German accent, or is there something more historical that's gone over my ignorant head?
Sorry to go off topic.
• #74961
Let's not let the thread go into meltdown.
• #74962
It's Friday.
1 Attachment
• #74963
I'm never totally sure about making fun of...
Whatever you make fun of, some dick will be along soon enough trying to make himself look better than you by complaining about it, usually on behalf of somebody he hasn't even met, much less consulted on the matter. If you speak with love in your heart, it's safe to ignore them. If their frequently misguided and generally self serving posturing makes you feel guilty, you probably should have felt guilty without their "help", and a little more reflection before speaking wouldn't have gone amiss.
• #74964
That's right, no one would ever criticise casual racism because they give a shit about people who aren't them, they are just trying to look better.
• #74965
You could argue that my last post makes fun of people with mental health problems. I just think it's funny because it's basically me.
• #74966
yeah. what if it's on behalf of people you have met? or do you only know white males? casual racism and the edgelords that pop out the woodwork to dismiss it can fuck off forever.
• #74967
Like ^
• #74968
Come for the memes. Stay for the chat. Forrls.
• #74969
Where's the racism though (casual or otherwise)?
I obvs need to check my privilege, because I don't see it.
Unless is was just a general declaration - In which case, yes. It can indeed fuck right off.
• #74970
Where's the racism though (casual or otherwise)?
"Goodbye yerrow blick load"
Seems pretty racist to me.
• #74971
"Goodbye yerrow blick load"
Ah - didn't see that - was it edited then?
• #74972
At the same time people on here frequently take the piss out of Irish, French, German, Scottish or Welsh accents/culture awithout any hooha or uproar?
• #74973
The follow post, not the picture. I think. Picture is just meh.
• #74974
Don't forget the Australians. We take the piss out of them too!!
• #74975
The follow post
*logs out*
*logs back in*Ah. Quelle fucking surprise.
Picture is just meh.
Oh hai - welcome to the meme thread
Yeah, I Googled it too. But we should have all learned by now that truth is for losers.