hmm... sounds PAS Normal Studios, Café du Cyclist... I've seen something similar in Condor/Mosquito... I'll find it!
It may be an old colourway of this? https://www.cafeducycliste.com/merino/mens-merino-cycling-apparel/men-silk-merino-cycling-jersey-cerise.html or https://www.cafeducycliste.com/merino/mens-merino-cycling-apparel/men-merino-cycling-jersey-lucienne-dusty-pink.html
Similar vibe to Torm mentioned above is Albion - https://www.albioncycling.com/products/
others could be but not likely - http://www.chapeau.cc/tempo-logo-jersey.html or some older Giro merino jersey... http://www.giro.com/eu_en/products/clearance/men-s/apparel/m-chrono-wind-jacket.html
maybe even Vulpine? http://www.vulpine.cc/uk/men-s-long-sleeve-extrafine-merino-alpine-jersey-in-mandarin
Someone rode past me yesterday wearing a rather fine looking rusty red coloured long sleeve jersey, but with black rear pockets - looked like merino. Does that sounds familiar to anyone?