To expect Amazon to adjust it's algorithms is to expect amazon to know every combination of everything on its site (including third party sellers) that could be combined to create something that could also be used for illegitimate ends.
The story itself looks like it's reaching massively.
Classic "I have no idea what an algorithm is but it sure sounds bad" journalism.
also letting people buy that stuff from them is a great way of flagging it up for the authorities.
Also this.
Terrorists making bombs using Amazon purchased equipment must occur about as frequently as pixies buying unicorn poo glitter and angel tears.
The algorithm probably picks up the thousands of hobbyists that make legal amounts of thermite, or black powder, or whatever.
To expect Amazon to adjust it's algorithms is to expect amazon to know every combination of everything on its site (including third party sellers) that could be combined to create something that could also be used for illegitimate ends.
I'm no Amazon apologist, but that seems like a tall order.
The story itself looks like it's reaching massively.