other passing cars would give a little toot to just let you know they were there. I always thought Italians were terrible drivers (a lot are) but it was actually very helpful and I wish we used it in the same way over here instead of "get out my fucking way"
Absolutely agree with this. Imagine if horns weren't used as an act of aggression, but instead just to say 'hi mr/miss cyclist, I need to come past you'. It could do away with so much shit between drivers and cyclists imo.
edit - I dunno, maybe if horns had two levels, like wipers do. So you can have soft setting that says 'excuse me' and a harder setting for whatever.
I did notice, when driving in Portugal this year, that even big cars have very soft horns. I tended to use mine for "hello I'm coming round this blind corner" purposes. And I didn't notice any aggressive beeping in Lisbon but that was only a day's driving in the city.
Absolutely agree with this. Imagine if horns weren't used as an act of aggression, but instead just to say 'hi mr/miss cyclist, I need to come past you'. It could do away with so much shit between drivers and cyclists imo.
edit - I dunno, maybe if horns had two levels, like wipers do. So you can have soft setting that says 'excuse me' and a harder setting for whatever.