Dear LFGSS users,
There appears to be a number of you which fail to understand that a pedestrian has the right of way, should they step into the road you should do your up-most to avoid a collision regardless of whether your a cyclist, motorist or in charge of a horse.
Whilst you may be able to cycle at 18mph though busy London Street's sometimes it inappropriate as your may not be able to stop in time to avoid a collision.
Should you be involved in a collision, the condition of your cycle or comments made online may be called into question....
Correct but do pedestrians have no responsibility as to where and how they cross the road?
Is it sensible to cross close to high sided vehicles where vision is completely blocked until the last split second- despite there being pedestrian controlled lights being 10 yards away unused?
Is it acceptable to cross and have your face lit up by your mobile device?
How about adults that get to the lights, look up, see the man is red but they still precede to cross without looking and wearing headphones, thus causing an accident when oncoming vehicle has the green light?Assuming someone steps out in front of you where they cannot be seen clearly, do I slam on my brake and potentially go over my handlebars and risk my life for someone in the middle of liking a Facebook post whilst crossing (who will leave the scene of the accident they caused. They have no legal compulsion to stop if there is no contact afaik)? Or do I swerve into oncoming vehicles and risk my life (again they will leave the scene having posted their immaculately arranged breakfast to Instagram)? Or do I slam on the brake and fly into said pedestrian headfirst? Would I still be deemed in the wrong for matching the speed of vehicles around me- which is the safest way to travel, especially if the is an HGV parked on the left forcing me into the traffic stream?
It seems the logical conclusion of this is pedestrians being allowed to blindfold themselves and wander into any stretch of road with all safety consideration placed into the hands of others, as it is their right. Do you think this is right?
There are numerous cases like those above where pedestrians have been unfortunately killed and seriously injured. Why do you think the legal outcome for the 'killer drivers' is so different to that seen here? Also why do you think in many cases they do not get a single line of media coverage? I think a pedestrian was killed by a mobility scooter in the same week as this trial, many didn't hear a blink. The killer left the scene.
A pedestrian has right of way, should you run one over on the carriage way or worse still on the foot path the law in in there favour.
Should you make no attempt to avoid the collision & shout out at the a pedestrian to get out of your way, you not doing yourself any favours
Should your cycle or vehicle be found to be defective after being involved in collision it not going to turn out very well for you
Should after being involved in collision which causes death or serious injury you decide to shoot you mouth off, your not going to make it any better for yourself....
Charlie Alliston, was foolish enough to ensure he was getting a custodial sentence.
I find the childish what about xyz laughable, however mobility scooter basic competence & some basic insurance should be required
Dear LFGSS users,
There appears to be a number of you which fail to understand that a pedestrian has the right of way, should they step into the road you should do your up-most to avoid a collision regardless of whether your a cyclist, motorist or in charge of a horse.
Whilst you may be able to cycle at 18mph though busy London Street's sometimes it inappropriate as your may not be able to stop in time to avoid a collision.
Should you be involved in a collision, the condition of your cycle or comments made online may be called into question....