Hey guys, this is me. Back home after a few days in hospital - still waiting for the op to fix a broken jaw. Plastic narrowly missed my windpipe. I have a few stitched in my neck, elbows, otherwise lucky to be alive. 17mph head on with a van who turned into me. Proper police investigation open. Driver stopped to help apparently. All in all I don't recommend hitting anything. I'll keep you posted on progress :-)
Hey guys, this is me. Back home after a few days in hospital - still waiting for the op to fix a broken jaw. Plastic narrowly missed my windpipe. I have a few stitched in my neck, elbows, otherwise lucky to be alive. 17mph head on with a van who turned into me. Proper police investigation open. Driver stopped to help apparently. All in all I don't recommend hitting anything. I'll keep you posted on progress :-)