What a coincidence! This is a Var truing stand. I've had one for 25 years that has gradually got more and more beaten up. I've bought a cheap Park one now with a plan to restore the Var. This item would be really great because mine is missing some bits and the sprung-loaded run-out guides are rusty and don't work so well. But I am not close....happy to pay the considerable postage and make a forum donation? It can be split into two halves to make a more compact package.
What a coincidence! This is a Var truing stand. I've had one for 25 years that has gradually got more and more beaten up. I've bought a cheap Park one now with a plan to restore the Var. This item would be really great because mine is missing some bits and the sprung-loaded run-out guides are rusty and don't work so well. But I am not close....happy to pay the considerable postage and make a forum donation? It can be split into two halves to make a more compact package.