this one is for the wrecking ball.
Wow, they are actually planning demolition of the entire site. Apparently, the main building has structural issues, but I'm sure one of the main reasons is the construction of car parking spaces (more than 600). All the usual planning nonsense is present in abundance--e.g., no mention of bus frequencies in discussion of public transport links, only mention that it's three minutes by bus from **** **** **** station--well then, why does it need so many car parking spaces? More than 600 for 450 dwelling units is totally excessive. I suppose this was probably determined by ****** Council under the previous Mayor of London, who I imagine may not have called it in or just waved it through.
New: Seeking special dispensation to venture beyond the 'Circulars' because, 1; it's been 2 weeks of inactivity and, 2; this one is for the wrecking ball.