• #48577
Or any kind of combustible flour/dust. There was a fatal fire/explosion at a wood flour factory two years ago.
• #48578
its when the particulates are dispersed in the air that they become explosive / dangerous
compressed they are safer ? aren't they -
• #48579
I'm prepared to die for the gram!
• #48580
Looks Harrowing.
• #48581
Seriously bad pun
Maybe we'll put that on your Headstone
• #48582
There's a lot of instapundits claiming it's liberal myopia not to immediately agree that the thing was an Islamist terrorist attack when the police are wisely cautioning against leaping to conclusions.
• #48583
Lots of cologne fans still in town from last night, have they ruled out revenge attack from one of the 262 air raids?
• #48584
LIDL bag... #justsaying
• #48585
I remember the same sorts of pundit saying Oslo was the work of Muslims until Breivik showed up on Utoya and started gunning down teenagers.
• #48586
You're mostly right. Compressing a fine powder reduces explosive potential in normal circumstances however if you've got some form of ignition device or detonator that will disperse some of the powder from its compressed form the blast effect will be bigger.
• #48587
Its one of their thermal 'frozen foods / keep stuff fresh' bags.
I've got one - would recommend. -
• #48588
That's not what I meant fella...I'm a firefighter, so understand dust explosions etc....what I meant was, an unidentified powder. If I was that way inclined, it would be the easiest way of spreading a biological agent across the nations capital.
• #48589
I think your refering to sarin . The nerve agent in i think the tokyo underground.
• #48590
I see what you mean. Hadn't really appreciated that as a possibility.
• #48591
A 'Terrorism Expert' on Sky News IIRC.
• #48592
Rather like the one on Sky News this morning who said he was 100pc sure who it was, 2hrs after it had happened.
• #48593
I missed a train from Southfields. Then kicked back waiting for the next Edgware Road service, before a train was held in the station before all being suspended. Maybe 2-3 mins earlier and I'd have been on it.
Went home and got the bike to ride in. People joking pointed out that riding in isn't really safer.
• #48594
1 Attachment
• #48595
This is wonderful. I'm tempted to post it on facebook and see how many of my hyper-left middle class art world freinds take it seriously.
It would be liberating in a way to give up the pretence of debate and just embrace ordinary trolling.
• #48596
I think we all know you are a troll. Your attempts at debate are nothing more than being contrary.
• #48597
No they're not.
• #48599
I may usually not agree with winnifred but don't think he's trolling.
Or am I being contrary now? :)
• #48600
People say the internet is unhealthy but I can't see what's bad about sorting through hundreds of opinions to find the ones that upset me
Due to a trackside fire near Watford in the early hours of the morning.