There appears to be some confusion about the dates. This article now says she fell on the 18th August, when the initial articles had 19th August (both the NZ Herald and Standard). The 25th August is the date of her death. I expect the information from the inquest would be accurate, so it would be good if @Rhodrich could perhaps edit the thread title to make the thread easier to find. It should be the date of her fall, not of the eventual death.
The inquest has returned a verdict of accidental death.
There appears to be some confusion about the dates. This article now says she fell on the 18th August, when the initial articles had 19th August (both the NZ Herald and Standard). The 25th August is the date of her death. I expect the information from the inquest would be accurate, so it would be good if @Rhodrich could perhaps edit the thread title to make the thread easier to find. It should be the date of her fall, not of the eventual death.