Finally built this up again after it had been sat in my shed for over a year. New forks, stem and bars. It's getting a brake soon, my knees can't take brakeless anymore. The camo bar tape was all I had available but I actually kind of like it. Stem is too short though. If anyone has a quill stem in 120mm for sale or swap for a 100mm ITM one, let me know. Other changes I'd like to make in the future (but probably won't because this is meant to be a beater) are new, shallower wheels, nicer cranks and maybe a new seat post.
Finally built this up again after it had been sat in my shed for over a year. New forks, stem and bars. It's getting a brake soon, my knees can't take brakeless anymore. The camo bar tape was all I had available but I actually kind of like it. Stem is too short though. If anyone has a quill stem in 120mm for sale or swap for a 100mm ITM one, let me know. Other changes I'd like to make in the future (but probably won't because this is meant to be a beater) are new, shallower wheels, nicer cranks and maybe a new seat post.
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