^ pretty much that. tho we're flexible on the rooms. 2 would suit us fine. looking forward to not living upstairs / downstairs of anyone more than anything.
saw a place on perry hill that was amazing. big, period features, fair sized garden, a fuck off garage with private road access... only problem it was on a shitty rat run road choked with HGVs and shit all else for a good two miles in any direction. we passed.
^ pretty much that. tho we're flexible on the rooms. 2 would suit us fine. looking forward to not living upstairs / downstairs of anyone more than anything.
saw a place on perry hill that was amazing. big, period features, fair sized garden, a fuck off garage with private road access... only problem it was on a shitty rat run road choked with HGVs and shit all else for a good two miles in any direction. we passed.