• #2
What about if we were to just type out one long 9-line confusing sentence with a lot of points so that you have read it 3-4 times and still not really understand it randomly miss out a comma or full stop so that the previous point can be read a different way or end all our posts with a phone number so the o/p can be contacted direct to discuss it further?
• #3
Your a forward thinker Johnny
• #4
Are you volunteering to review the threads and delete them?
• #5
from the classifieds 'rules' section:
After an item the original advertiser must not remove the historical record by editing the advert in any way (no deleting), nor prevented the buyer from leaving comments in the future (no locking a conversation).
• #6
So basically what the rules are saying is... for example...."the terms of agreement are confirmed in a pm thread", but not allowed back to reedit the advert to let other users know tht an agrrement has been made and further mislead users as to the status of the "classified"
• #7
Deleting them is prob a bit over the top, I mean just reediting the thread or Advert Header....to Say "SOLD" so we dont enter threads with high hopes, leave a comment waiting for a reply, makes us hesitate possible other sales.
• #8
They can add a post stating item has been sold.Are you volunteering to to manage the great classifieds cull, or who do you think should do it?
• #9
"Is there any way we can delete the threads of stuff that has been sold"
Sounds like deleting them.
• #10
Simply promoting a reedit after a sale as compulsory, or when item is moved, I 'm actually pretty confident there is still loads of stuff in the archives of the thread that never sold, the longer we the headers are not managed the deeper the rabbit hole goes.
• #11
Your sounding "one track minded" about the delete, can we move forward from that and focus on what the rest of my thread said, I beleive I had a few suggestions on the post and then said in a previous post that "its prob a bit over the top" in reference to deleting the thread, so if your finished, i'd like to hear a proactive suggestion.
• #12
It works well, if you don't like it >>>>>
• #13
The thread will stay as it is for feedback etc instead of commenting on the thread why not send a message?
• #14
Basic rules for classifieds:
You must post the classified advert in the Classifieds forum.
You must use a thread prefix if one is applicable. If more than one is applicable you must select the one that you most wish to happen. I.e. select "For Sale" even if you are also willing to trade but would prefer to sell. Valid prefixes: "For Sale", "Wanted", "Trade".
No cross-posting adverts you've put on other sites. If you have an item for sale anywhere other than here, like ebay, bikeradar, ctc, retrobike, etc. then you cannot post it here. However, if you have posted it on one of those other sites, other people who have discovered it are allowed to post it in the eBay/Craigslist finds thread. You must not do this yourself.
If you include photographs (recommended) then they must be photos of the item you have for sale and not a stock photograph.
No bumping on anything (for sale or trade)! Exceptions: a) If you included a price as per the advisory, you can bump your own advert to drop the price. b) If you hadn't added enough information (such as photos) and now want to you may state you've done so. Otherwise all comments against adverts should be meaningful.
No fishing expeditions. You are either selling something or you're not. Either it's in the classifieds or it's deleted.
PayPal transactions must include buyer protection (sellers are not allowed to demand that money be sent as a "Gift" as this deprives the buyer of any form of protection on their payment).
The rule on not SHOUTING or applying other formatting to draw unequal attention to your advert is not permitted.
After an item the original advertiser must not remove the historical record by editing the advert in any way (no deleting), nor prevented the buyer from leaving comments in the future (no locking a conversation). -
• #15
How does it work work well with the issue I just highlighted, its a total contradiction to to what I have just said, are you saying the problem I highlighted does not exist?
• #16
The thread will stay as it is for feedback etc instead of commenting on the thread why not send a message?
Thats exactly the point, please reference my primary message to the thread, literally we are posting in threads that may be a month old and have no idea what is happening with status of the classified item, its like going through ebay (forgive the reference) and having old adverts that are sold, still publicised, having to contact the seller to discover the items status, the seller not frequenting the forum because he has his money, a secondary option for the punter may arise for him to purchase what he wants, he ends up in limbo because his primary choice is with a thread that he doesnt know its status a misses the other secondary opportunity.
Any one else got some feedback on the issue?
• #17
No worries enjoy the forum
• #18
Thats the spirit!
• #19
Just pm and ask. If you don't here back, move on. You can normally tell if a seller will reply, is still active, by their last log in date.
• #21
Surely not as effecient as changin the status of the item marked as sold, anyway I've accepted the situation
• #22
You have accepted your new role? Awesome, big round of applause, we look forward to the thousands of updates.
• #23
wishful thinking, and if I did im sure there is some gold buried back there, I WOULDNT SHARE BY THE WAY...
• #25
not an admission of 1000's of hours of admin because the rules are there to be adhered to.
Is there any way we can delete the threads of stuff that has been sold, or actually categorise them so everything that is sold goes to the end of the threads and availability keep them in priority, or maybe posting a telephone number so the person who is posting doesnt just come on here post something up and then not check their emails for notifications about the add they are posting????