Full disclosure, which is the point of this thread really. We did a stupid thing, which was test everything with 2 prototypes, ironed out issues, then changed something and didn't double check it hadn't caused new issues.
You will remember earlier in the thread the fixture I used to weld the brake bosses onto the drop outs. These are designed specifically for the drop outs, and are milled to fit perfectly in the drop outs. Taken together, there should be no reason for the bosses to not be perfectly aligned, but somewhere between a pile of bits and painted frame, they have ended up a few degrees out on number one. Having checked the 20 odd others, it's either a weird freak, or weird build up of paint. It would not be an issue at all if this had been included in QR check list, as would have been caught and faced, but this was left off, we wrongly assumed this was going to be a fit and forget part. It could have been resolved qucikly by me in the workshop, but @chiroshi is based in Switzerland, so we have sent our facing tool to them.
Due to the very small mating surface on this brake mounting system, face consistency is very important. I know this, I always mask forks, I was just stupid and did that 'this is designed to work with this, i put it together right I will be fine, brain disengage'.
TLDR: Frame bosses should have been faced, they werent, they will be for everyone else.
160mm is fine on the fork, you just have to be careful when putting the wheel in so it doesn't scratch the fork, although I suspect this will apply to 140mm too.
160mm with flatmount spyre fits in the frame just. Slight issue with 001 at the moment, but should be up and running next week.