What obligation is there to make sure a place you're letting out is safe and suitable to inhabit?
Should have gas certs and whatnot...other than that, not a whole lot. Council can step in if it's a threat to the occupants but things have to get pretty hairy before that happens.
Not much you can do to prevent drug den funtimez- obvs. potential tenants aren't going to declare their intentions before moving in.
Dunno if this is really the place, but it's where people who know about such things hang out, right?
Two doors up from us has been unoccupied since we bought our place a couple of months ago. From what we can gather, the previous tenants were arrested in a drugs bust or something. The place is in piss-poor condition and the garden is overgrown. In the last week various people have been in and out clearing some stuff out of it and possibly the worst signage I've ever seen has come up offering it for rent. It still looks a state from the outside. The price isn't even THAT cheap for the area.
Basically, what legislation is in place to ensure that everything going on here is above board and it's not going to end up another drug den or some such? What obligation is there to make sure a place you're letting out is safe and suitable to inhabit? The whole thing looks dodgy as fuck.