• Thanks for the info guys. Sounds like sand-blasting would be risky in my case since the shop I thought about usually does car-related stuff and has no expertise working on delicate bike frames. Probably means I have to consider stripping it chemically which might be a pita since I have reason to believe that there is a layer of left-over powdercoating und the top layer of paint. meh. I'll see, thanks anyway!

  • Starchem Synstrip is unpleasant but did the trick for me. Works very well compared to other chemical strippers which can be very hit or miss. Messy though.

    I'd still reccomend sand blasting though if you can find somewhere you trust to do it.

  • Anywhere local to you that could dip it?

    I'll happily pay a premium to avoid stripping by hand, having done it once.
