Easy commute in this morning, first time in a while as I've moved jobs/offices. Found they've put ANOTHER set of lights in on Jamaica road which I struggle to see the benefit of.
After navigating Bishopsgate dodging round trucks and peds, walking back from the gym after a shower I nearly got taken out by a RLJ'er down Old Street who announced his presence by shouting 'Fuckwit' at me. Now I am most definitely a fuckwit, however the green man was showing and I'm pretty certain that means he needs to stop and I'm good to go. Made amends by buying gluten free porridge which was shit.
Porridge should be made from oats. Oats don't contain gluten. The gluten-free label is just informative, it's normal porridge. Maybe shit, but just porridge.
Easy commute in this morning, first time in a while as I've moved jobs/offices. Found they've put ANOTHER set of lights in on Jamaica road which I struggle to see the benefit of.
After navigating Bishopsgate dodging round trucks and peds, walking back from the gym after a shower I nearly got taken out by a RLJ'er down Old Street who announced his presence by shouting 'Fuckwit' at me. Now I am most definitely a fuckwit, however the green man was showing and I'm pretty certain that means he needs to stop and I'm good to go. Made amends by buying gluten free porridge which was shit.