Um not sure how I did it, was a long time ago. Everything I have in in folders with years. I think as long as you have the folders with the years, it's pretty easy to tell each library what is where. So 2 catalogs in total, 1 for 2010 to 14 then another for the current stuff. But yeah the catalogs are on each harddrive.
It might actually be possible to keep 1 catolog on the computer with everything and then have all the files on 2 hard drives actually. Not sure if that will confuse it though. They'd show as missing until you plugged the hard drive in? I'm really not sure, I might just be confusing you
haha, its okay ill try things out before.
I wish there was just a manual on how to organise film photos.I do it quite well but then lightroom removes all the photos from the folder when importing? so they are then all in lightroom by date and in one catalog. Might go into the apple store or post in digital photography thread.
Yeah good idea. So you've saved like a catalog for each year? In Lightroom then that on a hardrive? Then just delete the catalog on the computer?
Also what hardrive any recommendations?