• #2
Probably missing a spacer/washer somewhere
• #3
Exactly what came out has gone back in, sadly.
• #4
Are you sure ? ( :))
It sound very much like part 12 is missing. (short tube with ID 12mm that goes between hub bearing and freehub....)
like here:
• #5
Why don't you refit the old freehub, I hear you cry? Well, I would, but I threw it when I removed it.
No. 12 can come off with the freehub, stuck inside...
• #6
Ahhhh crap.
Lesson here, don't chuck stuff until you've fixed the issue :0(
• #7
Sort of fixed it. Found a spacer from my parts bin from an old axle. I guessed it was slightly too short as it didn't pertrude out of the back of the freehub, so made up a plastic washer, and hey presto!, a working freehub. That'll do for now.
Thanks for the heads up both of you :0)
Hi all
Anyone had similar to above?
Even if I just hand tighten the end caps, the freehub becomes very draggy and sticky. Freehub is exactly the same as the one I removed, a 3 pawl Novatec type A, hub is an Ambrosio Zenith.
Why don't you refit the old freehub, I hear you cry? Well, I would, but I threw it when I removed it. The obvious thing to have done would have waited until I got the new one in the post, but hindsight is a wonderful thing.