Anyone done Crr measurements on Fusion X-Guard or RBCC (what's RBCC?).
Ah, this is RBCC "rice bran ceramic compound" dafuq?!
25mm tyre 275g (20g heavier than Pro One, 50g heavier than GP4000Sii)
28mm tyre 320g (heeeeeaaaavy!)
RRP £50 (spendy)No point using long lasting tyres if they're slow though. I could just ride Duranos or Marathons for 20,000k. I assume Pro Ones are faster than RBCC tyres? The rolling resistance site has only tested an XC IRC tyre.
I'm 88.8kg. Bike is ~18kg. I had no issues with tubes last year.
they are not slow. i have a race team on the RBCC tyres. riders keep on winning.
there wont be much in it between the pro ones and the formula pro IRC tyres tyres. i suspect the pro one will have slightly lower Crr but it could be the other way around. there is nothing slower than a flat tubeless tyre. On a bike like your hippy this is the danger witht the pro ones. they are a race tyre and a mean a road racing tyre not a loaded trip accross a continent race tyre. there is always a trade off. for ultimate pace use the formula pro light (more like the pro one but with better durability) but i would not use these for a continental race either.
i ride a 18kg bike they tyres work on this and those mileages were done on this bike mostly through winter.
weight of a tubeless tyre is roughtly equivelent to non tubeless tyre and tube there is not alot init.
fusion x-guard and RBCC life is more like 10,000+ km for me on the race bikes on the commutor which has load the rear tyre does around 7000-8000 km. the front tyre on my commutor has nearly 10,000km and the file thread is barley worn. They will do 4000 miles easily unless you are 120kg hippy.
One TCR rider finished on IRC fusion X-guards. She had no issues. I am hoping she will send me a pic of here tyres so I can how new they still are. I think he had to top up with air in bulgaria or romania.