• I'm getting really heartily sick of trying to make any kind of headway with my music of late. I've been around the block and i'm too old and proud to get involved in full-on time-sucking online self promotion - which maybe nine tenths of the problem - but it seems that any attempt to drum up even a handful of link clicks or (the latest humiliation) book a gig at tiny folk venue end in total fucking failure.

    I'm tired of doing what honestly believe to be the best work I've done in the face of total, utter infinitely overwhelming apathy. I've never felt so utterly ignored.

    Please don't "u ok hun?" me over this. Sarcastically or otherwise. I'm a grown up and have enough confidence in what i'm doing and self-worth (as well as plenty more going on in my life to keep me busy) to not take this shit personally... but I think i might be reaching the point where I need to shake it up. Take a break. Do something totally different. Maybe sack the whole thing off. There's only so many times you can put in so much effort and get ab-so-lute-ly nothing back in terms of feedback, interest or uptake. I'm just sick of it.

  • Do it cuz you love it, man... 💜

  • I don't know if it's helpful but I've just tried to make my peace with the fact that people basically don't give a fuck about music anymore. It's just a hobby for me now, a hobby and therapy, and I've found that much easier to cope with.

    What show were you trying to book? If it helps, The Glad have knocked me back a tonne of times. Just got to accept it and move on to the next venue.
