According to this website, you're effectively putting yourself in a position where, if you can't find the freeholder, you're going to need to organise the other leaseholders to do a mandatory Full Enfranchisement (i.e. purchase the freehold).
That means you'll need 50% of the other leaseholders to join in to purchase the freehold, and it may mean you need to convince them to shell out many thousands of pounds depending on how long their leases are.
On the positive side Enfranchisement is probably worth doing anyway - it means you own the freehold, it adds thousands to the value of your property, and it means you can extend your lease for fuck all to 999 years. But it does mean you're dependent on other residents, who you've not met, and who might be colossal bellends.
The only other flat downstairs also came onto the market once we'd made an offer and has a lease of the same length... could be a goer actually. We'd just have to wait and wait. We loose our early repayment fee from the previous mortgage in three months (£7k) but apart from that and it being shitty waiting, it might be worth it.
Ground rent: I don't care as I haven't been paying it, interesting though.
Unproven freehold could result in an absentee landlord situation and we could buy the freehold, or it could end it famine and plagues upon the house.
Resolve, I don't know, no one seems to have any idea what they're doing.