the quote below is a bit odd to be reading in 2018 though. I know plenty of women who can run a sub 1:40 half I'm sure they could hang on for another .9 of a mile.
Good male runners can normally BEAT THE TRAIN that takes approximately 1 Hour 47 minutes but Ladies find it more difficult and about 3 will manage to do this.
Could be worded better maybe. It's much tougher than a road half, so you can add 10 -> 15 mins+ to road times, it also takes a few years to get pacing right for the course. Think only 2 women beat the train this year.
Looks like a blast.
the quote below is a bit odd to be reading in 2018 though. I know plenty of women who can run a sub 1:40 half I'm sure they could hang on for another .9 of a mile.