Well that hurt a bit. Barhatch was one hill too many today. Only one other mad fool on fixed I think, we finished at the same time, but he started a few minutes after. That brings up my 20eligible AAA points for SFW too.
Was it you I passed going up Coldharbour?
Was it you I met briefly at the start? I didn't think it was a very fixed-friendly route!
I DNF'd after 65km with knee issues.
@J_a_m_e_s__ started
London Fixed Gear and Single-Speed is a community of predominantly fixed gear and single-speed cyclists in and around London, UK.
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Well that hurt a bit. Barhatch was one hill too many today.
Only one other mad fool on fixed I think, we finished at the same time, but he started a few minutes after.
That brings up my 20eligible AAA points for SFW too.