• #77
Day 2 is worst day. Only going to get better now.
• #78
New Blog post up
Slower but things may be improving. Wind was better today. Very tired.
• #79
Well done so far and good luck with the ongoing insanity.
• #80
Like your writing on the blog. Good luck with the rest of this!
• #81
If I weren't committed to doing this for charity, today is probably the day I would now be heading back to bed rather than back out on the road.
• #82
Hopefully not quite your predicted
Day 3. Total agony. Legs and gooch on fire. Back aching. Feet sore.
Up and at 'em Clive, I'll drop you a motivational text. Just a small one, maybe more later ;)
• #83
I think today will be your watershed. Legs etc will concede, you're in charge and they must do your bidding. Feed, lube and water them and no matter what the pace, keep spinning. That way you're always getting closer to your goal, for the next hour, the morning, the day, the week. Singing helps, no matter how good or bad, and don't worry about the strange looks! Keep going. Mel.
• #84
What happened to paypal on justgiving.com? Is that a donation-specific payment option?
• #85
In Cambridge. Half an hour longer than yesterday. An hour longer than Friday. But I am here and have now done 500 km or 25%.
Been feeling nauseous all day. Had to force some breakfast down. Vary between total powerlessness and feeling bouyant. Just taking it easy. Want to be home before sunset at 8pm. Earlier would be nicer.
hippy. Sorry no idea.
• #86
Forza @WornCleat
• #87
Strong work. Take it as easy as possible if you're feeling shit.
• #88
What are you eating and drinking?
When in doubt, force carbs in. :)
• #89
Keep it up! Eat everything :)
• #90
Was hauled down on the DNA path by @bananaskid which was really nice. Good to chat. And then someone else hailed me as I was contemplating dropping my all behind a bush. Luckily a petrol station emerged round the corner.
• #91
Hailed not hauled. Home. Slowest day yet.
I am eating lots of carbs. And then more.
• #92
Well done. You may have been spotted:
• #93
Go on Clive! Keep at it, so impressive.
• #94
By the time you stop for lunch tomorrow, you'll be more than a third of the way through.
Well done and keep at it.
• #95
Welcome home
• #97
Good read - don't worry about ur low pulse, that's just how it is :)
• #98
Good work Clive!
• #99
Impressive mental strength. Hope tomorrow's easier for you!
Feeling fairly destroyed at the moment. Must write it up.
Still going!