I should really do it myself since I might have to do similar in the field but I am running low on time these days. This annoying thing "work" that seems to have slotted into my life again. I'll see how I go. Scherrit reckons I might need a soldering iron which is making me think I should just buy another set of pedals :) Stupid Speedplay.
Using a soldering iron to melt the threadlock is the easiest method, but you could stick a Torx bit in the screw and heat that with a blowtorch.
You have a blowtorch in the kitchen for crème brûlée, right?
I'd laugh at most people who claimed they might have to change their pedal bearings "in the field", but I understand that you can be quite hard on your kit...
Scilly Cycles has a nice ring to it!
I do have a number of "cash-rich, time-poor" customers, but it'll only cost you postage: you need to save your pennies for throwing down a tubeless-shaped hole.