I struggle with that a lot, too. Everytime I have to describe someone I go by the most obvious attribute a person has, which can be their skin colour at times. Although it shouldn't make any difference than going with for example hair/eye colour, it still does.
I even feel awkward when I call the group of friends of my flatmate Latinos as they are a bunch of people from different parts of Latin America. Even my flatmate calls them that. Just as I call my friends from uni friends from uni.
Help me out here with my English and British manners... So I was just on the phone with someone I know the face but not the name, so I said "Are you the young black gent who's fairly new to the company? I will remember your name now that you told me" Did I sound racist using the word 'black'? I always find it a little sensitive to describe people using the colour of their skin, even though it can be a straight forward way and what's being said is not intended to be racist in any way at all...