OK, so yesterday five of the seven passed through CP4. There are a further 13 riders still on the road; eight of these should finish today or tomorrow and the remaining five the day after.
#165 Josie Jones leads the bunch with 844 km to go. She rode a massive 241 km yesterday in 13 hours. She is up to 149th place overall but could climb another nine places due to scratched riders.
#53 Wiesia is only 2 km in arrears. 200 km yesterday in 13.7 hours of riding. She and Josie appear to be taking the same slightly westerly route.
#224 Tina Nestoroska is only 6 km behind but taking a more easterly route. 181 km yesterday in 12.9 hours.
#174 Hector Outeiral Nunez is right on Tina's heels also on the easterly course. 189 km in 12.4 hours yesterday.
#200 Goran Arsovski is around 30 km back with 881 to go to the finish. A massive 237 km yesterday in 14.5 hours.
#188 Daragh Browne did 197 km yesterday in 10 hours. He is 46 km away from CP4 and 114 km behind Goran.
Finally #130 David Coulon is another 140 km back with 1138 km to go. He had a quiet day yesterday with only 71 km in 6 hours of riding.
There is only 40 km between the front five. Goran, currently the last placed of these has led before and is capable of very big days in the saddle. I could see any one of these putting in major thrusts over the next couple of days. The race is open between them. I would expect them to finish next Monday or Tuesday. Behind then, although both riders are capable of big days, I fear the gap has increased too much for it to be bridgebale in the time remaining. Five or six days more riding beckons. I do hope that some of the earlier arrivals are able to hang around and cheer the lanterne rouge over the line.
OK, so yesterday five of the seven passed through CP4. There are a further 13 riders still on the road; eight of these should finish today or tomorrow and the remaining five the day after.
#165 Josie Jones leads the bunch with 844 km to go. She rode a massive 241 km yesterday in 13 hours. She is up to 149th place overall but could climb another nine places due to scratched riders.
#53 Wiesia is only 2 km in arrears. 200 km yesterday in 13.7 hours of riding. She and Josie appear to be taking the same slightly westerly route.
#224 Tina Nestoroska is only 6 km behind but taking a more easterly route. 181 km yesterday in 12.9 hours.
#174 Hector Outeiral Nunez is right on Tina's heels also on the easterly course. 189 km in 12.4 hours yesterday.
#200 Goran Arsovski is around 30 km back with 881 to go to the finish. A massive 237 km yesterday in 14.5 hours.
#188 Daragh Browne did 197 km yesterday in 10 hours. He is 46 km away from CP4 and 114 km behind Goran.
Finally #130 David Coulon is another 140 km back with 1138 km to go. He had a quiet day yesterday with only 71 km in 6 hours of riding.
There is only 40 km between the front five. Goran, currently the last placed of these has led before and is capable of very big days in the saddle. I could see any one of these putting in major thrusts over the next couple of days. The race is open between them. I would expect them to finish next Monday or Tuesday. Behind then, although both riders are capable of big days, I fear the gap has increased too much for it to be bridgebale in the time remaining. Five or six days more riding beckons. I do hope that some of the earlier arrivals are able to hang around and cheer the lanterne rouge over the line.