Developments on the ailing Canon T70, the mirror is sticking only at 1/500 and 1/1000. First film SLR I've used, I'm thoroughly enjoying it, especially after the disappointment that was the first roll! All Poundland Vista 200 except the last photo which is Superia 400.
I like Superia too, nice halfway house between Colour Plus/C200 and Ektar/Portra etc.
Typically, they've discontinued a large swathe of it - 200 and 800 ASA and 24 exposure versions. Leaving the 400 36 exposure as the sole remaining film.
Same, I can only compare it to Agfa Vista 200 (which gives quite a dated look with pronounced grain, low contrast) but definitely the Superia seems more true to life.
Developments on the ailing Canon T70, the mirror is sticking only at 1/500 and 1/1000. First film SLR I've used, I'm thoroughly enjoying it, especially after the disappointment that was the first roll! All Poundland Vista 200 except the last photo which is Superia 400.