Some going @HatBeard putting in two ultras. Especially when you get bonus miles included 😕
Don't stop unless you really have to be stationary. It's surprising how much time can slip by when you're messing about at CPs or with kit. That time being a distance which is hard to make up again.
Only stop for:-
Road junctions where your going to get mowed down.
Retying laces or sorting out your feet.
Refilling water bottles.Practice getting your pack off and finding/stash stuff whilst maintaining a decent pace. Jacket on and off without slowing down much.
Approaching a CP, get your bottles or bladder ready to fill. Grab your grab bag if you have one. Say thanks to the CP staff and get walking.
I can get a Muller Pot rice out of my pack, eat it and then stow the spoon and empty whilst maintaining 6:00/km. A few practice goes were messy 😂
second 50k in 8 days in the bag. personally think the 4mph cutoff was a bit harsh esp as they based it on the stated 28.8mi distance and not the 31 it actually was.
but because i pushed myself through the first 20k I managed to put aside enough time and with stoppages and walking (so much walking in the second half) I averaged 9:00/km (4mph is 9:19/km) and juuuuuuuuust squeezed through.
think they have such a harsh cutoff because the race is literally 4 guys on the checkpoints and this year just 12 people running this the final leg of the 4 day challenge, 1 who did all 4 days
3 dropped out and I was DFL but I knocked about an hour off last weeks time so I was hauling arse the whole time.
i'm sure i'll find some holes in my performance on deep examination but for now, given I raced last week and am still far away from my previous race weight and fitness I am more than happy with the way today played out.
now I am just waiting for the pizza, cajun burger, halloumi fingers, tiramisu and full fat coke i just ordered to arrive to top off the 3 pints i had at our local.