I have found another lovely old power supply I need to deal with, I have had a sparky out to have a look and he said fine to cut off everything above the 3 x larger green boxes at the bottom: the red/blue/yellow cables entering from the bottom are live.
I would just like a little more assurance before going at it - I assume a fuse/wire/something has been removed between the two 'terminals' (first photo) and therefore no current can pass from that point onwards?
I have found another lovely old power supply I need to deal with, I have had a sparky out to have a look and he said fine to cut off everything above the 3 x larger green boxes at the bottom: the red/blue/yellow cables entering from the bottom are live.
I would just like a little more assurance before going at it - I assume a fuse/wire/something has been removed between the two 'terminals' (first photo) and therefore no current can pass from that point onwards?