• #77052
Yes, cheers. Tailwind then nice! I've been facing the sodding headwind on the way home.
Someone sat on my wheel !
• #77055
so it was
• #77056
You might be in luck, it appears the winds changing and I'll be getting headwind/crosswind all the way back home as well...
• #77057
Is the cyclist, that I crashed into at Hanbury st. tonight, from here?
• #77058
Spotted: @fussballclub in North London.
I waved: blanked.
I shouted: blanked. -
• #77059
Where when? The noise of the later in the Chilterns exploding bottom bracket was already bad in the morning.
• #77061
@broken_777 bombing it through Herne Hill on his Omnium. Friday night, hey!
• #77062
Who did I DAS in Regent's Park today at 13:30 at the York / Ulster junction?
You looked horrified
I am sorry
• #77063
who I das on White Lion St Angel, Sunday - 430-ish?
• #77064
Forum jersey, flat bar Tokyo fixed, disc brake. CS7 southbound at about 5.15 tonight. Who that? Should have das'd but forgot!
• #77065
White Harry Quinn with a barcode effect on seat and downtubes bombing down Rye Hill Park. On here?
• #77066
Somewhere on the A1000
• #77067
Two guys on matching Condor Lavoros in Angel. One of them wanted to say hi to the other but didn't. Super cute/awkward.
• #77068
@fizzy.bleach slogging through the rain in Herne Hill while I was being a soft southern buswanker waiting for the 468
• #77069
Ohai! It wasn't that bad in the end
• #77070
Yeah, I regretted the decision as soon as I was on the train from Blackfriars
• #77071
@DragunovCZ1 DAS hahaha
• #77072
Hello to my Condor Fratello bike twin. A quick chat from Leyton to Elephant before taking different routes to roughly the same part of town.
If she's not 'on here' I'll eat her Red Hook Crit hat!
• #77073
I think I knew her, not on here thought.
• #77074
@youramericanlover heading South. I was being slow - it was you that DAS'd me at the Summer series last week wasn't it. Good to meet you, albeit briefly and slightly awkwardly!
• #77075
Guy on a yellow bike with front rack just south of London Bridge, I said hi.
The courier and pedalme guy, can never remember his name under Peckham Arch.
Ah that was you! Only spotted you at the last second.
You were looking very pro as I was struggling along through that sodding headwind :) Riding with a mate or just someone sat on your wheel?