No doubt it's a quality instrument, whatever the finish on it!
You and me differ on the replica thing too though. Driving a replica rally car on the road? Wearing full Lionel Messi Barca kit down the park for a kick-a-bout? Painstakingly recreated replica guitar of your musical hero? Weird, weird, weird.
I bought my sunburst Les Paul Custom because James Williamson played one, my Les Paul TV because Johnny Thunders played one, got my P90 equipped Mosrite Ventures MkII built because Johnny Ramone/Thunders, white Epiphone Wilshire because of Fred Sonic Smith, Olympic white Jaguar because of Rowland Howard... It's what people do, innit? I'm fifty and still doing it!!!
Its very different to all those examples, my guitar doesnt have sponsors slapped all over it but i would happily ride a debadged Cancellara bike or drive a silver rally spec lancia delta! Also I dont gig so it's only for bedroom playing and it really is the trend with guitars, every guitar i have bought over the last 25 years has been inspired by a player or band rather than straight aesthetics. I cant see it being a forever guitar either, i'll probably remove the mastery bits and move it on when i've had some fun, Then i'll go back to my django reinhardt gypsy guitar, my elvis costello jazzmaster, my kurt jagstang, my david bowie 12 string and my robert smith bass vi 😜
(Only one of those is a sig model btw)
yeah i agree, however i like the idea of someone recreating Kurt Cobains guitar exactly as it was - so it's more of a replica than a 'smashed up to make it look used because i can't be bothered'. The big thing for me is that i can lean it up against a wall or slide it onto wooden floor boards with no fear that a knock or scratch will damage it.
We'll see how i get on with it when it arrives but i got it for a price that i won't lose any money on if i decide to sell on