Of the bunch at the back, we lost Christian Fitcher #227 as a scratcher yesterday but the other seven ride on. The lead among this group changes as they enter Slovakia towards CP3. All other riders have passed CP3 now. Wieisa, the leader of the pack, is currently only 226 km away. David, at the back, 371 km away. Wiesia had a miserable experience when booking.com screwed up her hotel for last night but appears to be up and fighting strongly today. She covered 200 km yesterday and has alreaady done 60 km so far today. David on the other hand only managed 100 km yesterday but in just under 4h30m has managed 89 km already this morning.
Other than David who is still in Austria, the other six are in Slovakia. Three on a more northerly route and three, including Wiesia, a more southerly route which came through Hungary.
Of the bunch at the back, we lost Christian Fitcher #227 as a scratcher yesterday but the other seven ride on. The lead among this group changes as they enter Slovakia towards CP3. All other riders have passed CP3 now. Wieisa, the leader of the pack, is currently only 226 km away. David, at the back, 371 km away. Wiesia had a miserable experience when booking.com screwed up her hotel for last night but appears to be up and fighting strongly today. She covered 200 km yesterday and has alreaady done 60 km so far today. David on the other hand only managed 100 km yesterday but in just under 4h30m has managed 89 km already this morning.
Other than David who is still in Austria, the other six are in Slovakia. Three on a more northerly route and three, including Wiesia, a more southerly route which came through Hungary.