I'm not sure about all that relicking, road worn and replica business. Seems a bit like ripped jeans to me. Someone in a workshop making it look old even though it's new strikes me as a bit strange.
That said I went to look at a cheapo Epi LP on gumtree. Missing knobs, strap button and lots of lacquer missing around the neck joint didn't do it for me either and that shit was clearly authentic. That or they've got some practice to do before their professional relicking career can take off.
It is a bit strange (I have a roadworn strat) but it's often the only way to get a non-poly finish without paying thousands. The benefits of which are debateable though!
I'm not sure about all that relicking, road worn and replica business. Seems a bit like ripped jeans to me. Someone in a workshop making it look old even though it's new strikes me as a bit strange.
That said I went to look at a cheapo Epi LP on gumtree. Missing knobs, strap button and lots of lacquer missing around the neck joint didn't do it for me either and that shit was clearly authentic. That or they've got some practice to do before their professional relicking career can take off.