I've been using the bar end junction box for the last 6/12 months with various bars - I bought one when it was very first released after sticking my name on the waiting list for a while.
From an initial check it looks like the bars will take hydro and Di2/cable shift - will confirm with some hydro cable.
Stem is merely an update over the puzzle clamp variety which I never really liked (LOVED the 1st get 4bolt 10deg Pro Vibe stem but they're very hard to find in 100/110 variety) and rather unfunctional to the internal Di2 routing cause unless you have a frame which manages Di2 cable via the head tube. It actually seems far too over complicated and a little over priced - a resort back to the traditional 4 bolt design that team sky still use on their pro bikes would be welcomed.
Will fully update once I've tried a hydro hose and fully routed my cables, but it finally looks promising. I still don't understand why it takes £270 and Carbon bars to do it though. Why no alu? 💸💸💸
It actually looks like it's going to be fucking awesome....