Personally I like osmand, you can load downloaded gpx tracks and you can follow them or you can use on device routing.
As well as using a pre loaded gpx track in active mode i.e my usual preference is just to display the track on the map with my current position, if I go of track it is quite easy to use chap nav to get back to the displayed track.
Track displayed on map but not active, my current position shown as radar type thingy in blue.
Personally I like osmand, you can load downloaded gpx tracks and you can follow them or you can use on device routing.
As well as using a pre loaded gpx track in active mode i.e my usual preference is just to display the track on the map with my current position, if I go of track it is quite easy to use chap nav to get back to the displayed track.
Track displayed on map but not active, my current position shown as radar type thingy in blue.
Active mode