I don't want the text which represents the link (what is this actually called? I feel like it's something like "link tag" but not sure...). That would keep the numbers/letters representing footnotes (albeit not as links). These are right next to words, so the finished thing would have many instances of incorrect words (because they will have random numbers or letters after them).
For example:
When Mr. Faulkner delivered me your former letter (for I have since had one sent me hither by Mr. Pope2) I was just got up from my bed, where I had lain the whole night in most excessive torture, with a violent fit of the gravel.
I don't want that 2 after Pope's name as, if I were to try to search the database I'm constructing for instances of Pope, it won't be included.
Can't you just Ctrl+Shift+V to paste? Pastes as plain text